Eu can aid!

Year 2021



NGO: Action for Change

Project: Water Access and latrines for a primary school

Funding Awarded: 5.000 €

The project wants to construct a gender sensitive sanitary pit latrine and to extend safe drinkable water to Bokwe primary school. It will ultimately ameliorate the school’s learning environment and the sanitary condition of the village. The maintenance will be funded by contributions from parents and the village’s traditional council.



Project: Construction of a water tower

Funding Awarded: 6.000 €

The NGO REPTA (Réseau Education Pour Tous en Afrique) asked for funding the construction of a water tower with a view to distributing water in a village of about 5.000 inhabitants. The water tower will be filled by an electric pump (actioned by solar panels) from an existing pit of 70 meters. Each household will pay a fee to a common fund with a view to ensuring the maintenance.

Democratic Republic of the Congo


Project: Equipment and solar panels for an orphanage

Funding Awarded: 5.290 €

This is the second step of a project aiming at building an orphanage. This orphanage will be a chance for children living in the street. It will be linked to a neighboring primary school which will give them an educative opportunity. The building has already started following eu can aid funding in December 2020 and now OED is asking funds for providing equipment and solar panels.
Solar Solidarity International asbl has contributed to fund this this project

Democratic Republic of the Congo


Project: Electrification of a shelter

Funding Awarded: 3.370 €

The NGO OPDE (Work for the Protection and Development of Children in Difficulty) has asked to finance the electrification of a reception centre for street children and children in difficulty, in a region (Uvira) that does not have enough electricity. Solar panels will allow these 40 children and their educators to continue their activities safely after sunset (6:30 p.m.). The panels will be serviced by a local technician


NGO: Acrudev

Project: Center for Beekeeping

Funding Awarded: 8.700 €

Acrudev is sought funds to finance the construction of a centre for beekeeping training to save rental costs and facilitate the continuation of training during the rainy season. Accommodation to participants is also foreseen. Acrudev has a long and solid experience in beekeeping training.



Project: Improving rice production

Funding Awarded: 6.800 €

TFD (Together for Development) was seeking funds for improving the rice yields. The beneficiaries will be 30 women of a Self-Help Group. The improvement will be made by using the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technology. SRI method requires less water, which enables rice cultivation more than once in a year. SRI also improves soil conditions, its resilience to weeds and pests, saves farming cost and increases rice yields and higher grades of rice. TFD identified new markets due to their frequent and high demand for locally produced rice. They will also prepare a unique, cost effective, well labelled, and environmentally friendly packages or bags for the storage and sale of the rice.



Project: Toilets for a primary school

Funding Awarded: 6.100 €

The NGO VAO (Vulnerable Aid Organization) has asked to finance the construction of six toilets in a primary school. This school has about 350 students and does not have toilets, which causes diseases, including cholera. Open-air defecation pollutes the source of drinking water. The only alternative is to go home to the toilet. The construction of the toilets will improve the school performance of the children. Hygiene education will complete the project. The maintenance will be conducted by teachers and students.



Project: Protection of a pit

Funding Awarded: 2.580 €

GMD (Gitaru Marigu Development) Group asked for funding the fencing of the area of a shallow water well to secure it from unwanted intruders, and a part of the hygiene awareness activities, in collaboration with the local public health officers. It will serve approximately 500 people, those who have been more involved in the project, whose homes are far from the river. Operation and maintenance of the new shallow will be managed by elected people from the community, some of them trained for technical maintenance.



Project: Water purification

Funding Awarded: 5.360 €

AKIHL-CBO (Awach Kibuon Integrated Health & Livelihood) asked for funding a water purificator device which will improve existing infrastructures (shallow well, water tower, piping system and collection end pipe). The water purification system foresees that the technology is mounted on the upper floor enabling water flow by gravity to the purified water tank, then to drawing points. A fee will cover operating costs. It will benefit to a poor community of more than 500 people, the main activity being peasant farming with very low returns.


NGO: Levozy

Project: Vocational training for street children

Funding Awarded: 5.100 €

The Levozy Self Help Group was seeking funds for expanding its project of vocational training for street children of a slum. The aim is to increase the number of trainees from 50 to 75 per year and to add shoemaking and computer training to the present trainings which cover tailoring, carpentry, and car mechanics. It makes them easy to be absorbed in neighboring workshops. The training is run by professionals who transfer their skills to the children.


NGO: Groupe Nature

Project: Construction of latrines

Funding Awarded: 4.800 €

The Malian NGO Groupe Nature asked for funding the construction of latrines in a school which is deprived of such equipment that is important for hygiene and thus for health in the context of the pandemic. 3 cabins will be constructed with lavabos. A training is foreseen for teachers and pupils. The NGO has experience in such constructions. Water is sufficient.



Project: Mills for grains

Funding Awarded: 7.000 €

The French NGO LACIM (Les Amis d’un Coin de l’Inde et du Monde) asked for funding the installation of mills for grains and Karite nut in ten rural villages. It is intended to benefit to 2800 women by increasing their low revenues and liberating them from long and harsh work of pounding grains and nuts. Some of them will be involved in the management of the project.



Project: Renovation of a primary school

Funding Awarded: 7.500 €

The school in the village of Tsivé was 25 years old and in a deplorable state. The project consists in the complete renovation of the school: the old school will be razed, and the new construction of classrooms is requested; latrines were not planned. Following Eu Can Aid’s remark on the need for working latrines, the requestor amended the application. Two classes will be built and the latrines rehabilitated.


NGO: Louvain Coopération

Project: Valorisation of rice balls

Funding Awarded: 6.265 €

Louvain Coopération (which operates in partnership with RAFIA, TOGO) has asked to finance the valorization of rice balls through the production of briquettes and biochar for drying the rice. This project will reduce deforestation. The requested machines will also improve the yield of rice production and thus the incomes of the women beneficiaries. These 120 women are grouped into 8 cooperatives. Biocharbon and water from the steaming of rice will help fertilizing the ecological market gardening site.



Project: Construction of a classroom

Funding Awarded: 6.100 €

ASoVi (Association Solidarité pour la Vie) was seeking funds for the construction of a second classroom with equipment to improve children’s learning as well as 2 separate latrines for girls and boys. Latrines and wash hands points will improve the hygiene and protect from water and virus diseases. At its December 2020 meeting, the Committee decided to fund latrines and wash points installation first, leaving the classroom to a second step.



Project: Beds for an orphanage

Funding Awarded: 8.900 €

The NGO RAMBIA (Rwenzori Mountains Baghuma Integrated Association) was looking for funds to provide beds for an orphanage. This orphanage allows 120 children, whose parents have been the victim of AIDS, to follow the formation of a primary school. On the suggestion of a reference who visits this NGO each year, the promoter was invited to look for cheaper beds while still meeting the needs, which allowed to reduce the fund requested that also covers the corresponding mattresses.



Project: Toilets for a primary school

Funding Awarded: 7.900 €

The NGO CCUg (Community Concerns Uganda) was looking for funds to build toilets in two primary schools. The latrines will be equipped with washbasins. The project is based on a comprehensive school approach with health committees in both schools. This will help prevent covid-19. Sanitary clubs will also be reinforced, in particular by the production of soap bars. The water will come from springs and a reservoir collecting rainwater from the roof.



Project: Latrines for a school and water harvesting tank

Funding Awarded: 5.800 €

CESA (Combined Efforts to Save Uganda) was seeking funds for constructing toilets and a water harvesting tank. Gender and disability-sensitive toilets are needed in this primary school because they will improve the health of children with and without disabilities, raise awareness of good hygiene and sanitation and improve the safety and school attendance of girls. Moreover, the rainwater harvesting system is needed because children now must walk 3 km a day to collect water, which affects their concentration for studies and leads to poor academic performance, in addition to the fact that girls can be raped on the way.




Project: Poultry farming

Funding Awarded: 6.000 €

The project for which funding is requested aims to create a regular additional income source for 100 poor tribal women in the Angul district by setting up a home poultry farming and forming a cooperative for the provision of chicks and other inputs and the marketing of the produce (live poultry).



Project: Goats rearing

Funding Awarded: 2.700 €

In Kalrayan hills Mannur, villagers do not have lands or just enough for their own production. Most of them are agriculture workers. Nowadays, agriculture face challenges due to climate change (erratic rains, etc.). Therefore, goats rearing, and backyard poultry rearing will help increase their income without preventing them to go to work for their usual salaries.


NGO: Grace Trust

Project: Micro credit

Funding Awarded: 10.400 €

The project’s aim is to provide revolving fund for scavengers women, the poorest of the Dalits who have no other work opportunities than to pick up excrement. Three income-generating activities are organized: the sale of fabrics and clothing, fruits and vegetables and butter.
The project duration is established for 36 months, with Eu Can Aid grant period established for 12 months and 300 permanent employment positions would be created for selected SHG women during the 3-years duration of the project (100 women per year).


NGO: Angikar

Project: Poultry rearing

Funding Awarded: 5.560 €

The Indian NGO Digambarpur Angikar was seeking funds for backyard poultry activities with a view to providing protein food and income to 100 tribal women. An egg incubator will also provide them with chicks. Each woman will receive 25 of them to start business. They will get support for building night shelters with proper fencing. A cooperative will be created for management of the business and marketing activities.



Project: Goats rearing

Funding Awarded: 3.700 €

SPECT (St Peter Paul Education and Cultural Trust) asked for funding goat rearing by 40 mothers of disabled children. Each mother will receive a starter pack of young goats (4 females, 4 males) and will be accompanied by a veterinarian during the first year through a monitoring committee. They will be in 4 groups meeting monthly and led by a more experienced woman in goat rearing. The groups will organise collective sales in larger markets (fetching better prices). They will receive a training in livestock management.



Project: Training in organic farming

Funding Awarded: 6.170 €

The Indian NGO IRDRP (Institute of Research and Development for the Rural Poor) was seeking funds to set up a training in sustainable agriculture for 200 small and landless farmers belonging to the Dalit community. It is focused on black rice with a high nutritional value and a high demand. This rice would triple income per acre by savings on chemical inputs and by the much higher price of this kind of rice. The project would provide training sessions and loans to 20 landless families to set up a micro enterprise in support of organic farming. With the repaid loans further families will be supported.



Project: Poultry farming

Funding Awarded: 6.000 €

The project for which funding is requested aims to create a regular additional income source for 100 poor tribal women in the Angul district by setting up a home poultry farming and forming a cooperative for the provision of chicks and other inputs and the marketing of the produce (live poultry).



Project: Goats rearing

Funding Awarded: 5.100 €

SWEET (Society for Women Education and Economic Thrust) asked for funding the rearing of goats by HIV women and widows. Each of the 50 women, selected as being the most destitute will receive 2 milking goats and one male. A goat gives birth to 2 kids 3 times every second year generally. Each woman will give 2 goat kids to the NGO which will give them to new beneficiaries. There is a demand for meat of male goats. The females will give milk for the children and the family. This project will help to reduce poverty which is worsened by the covid.



Project: Classrooms for a primary school

Funding Awarded: 8.000 €

The NGO EMT (El Shaddai Ministries Trust) was seeking funds for the construction of additional classes for a primary school in a village populated by Dalit and tribal people, whose children do not normally attend school. The aim of the school is to facilitate the education of the children of migrant workers. The school regularly keeps parents informed of their children’s progress. It also provides medical visits and nutritional support. This project would increase the number of teachers from 145 to over 400.