Eu can aid!

Year 2018




Project : Drinking water well

Funding awarded: 6,700 €

The NGO “Le Sel de la Terre” of Benin asked for funding the drilling of a well for drinking water in its orphanage. The water will be sold at a low price to the 1.004 inhabitants of the village who are now obliged to walk 20 km per day in order to find drinking water. It will also permit to fight against hydric sicknesses and to avoid rapes or snake bites. The revenues will be used for the maintenance of the well and to contribute to the feeding of the orphans.

To know more, please contact us



Project: Bio gardening and sheep rearing

Funding awarded: € 3,000

The NGO CRIPADD (Cercle de Recherche pour l’Identification et la Promotion des Alternatives du Développement durable) was seeking funds for financing sheep rearing with use of their droppings for bio gardening. The project will benefit to 65 women coming from 3 self-help groups and their families (about 325 persons), in a very poor area. The sheep will be reared collectively by the groups.


NGO: Louvain Coopération

Project: Funding seeds

Funding awarded: € 8,650

The association Louvain Cooperation asked for funding the delivery of seeds to farmers with a view to addressing the risk of starvation within the framework of a programme financed by the EU. This will help the association to collect the necessary amount of funds in order to benefit from the EU programme. The leverage effect would be important. This project will also incite the beneficiaries to create cooperative associations.

Democratic Republic of Congo

NGO: Paroisse St. Matthieu

Project: Digging a well

Funding awarded: € 1,840

The priest in charge of Parish St Matthew of Kinshasa (Republic Democratic of Congo) was seeking funds for drilling a well in a poor area without access to drinking water. The drilling will be co-financed by a donation of a member of eu can aid and the contribution of the Parish itself. It will provide water to 54.000 beneficiaries who will pay a small fee in order to guarantee the sustainability of the well.

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Cassava processing

Funding awarded: € 3,120

The NGO NDDFA (Nouvelle Dynamique de Développement Femmes-Actions) asked for funding a project of transformation of cassava into chips with the aim of enhancing its quality through an improvement of the equipment. This, coupled with a training, would double the income of the farmers. There is an important market for cassava and its products. The maintenance will be guaranteed by membership fees and a monitoring committee.

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Coffee processing

Funding awarded: € 6,700

The association GDIBU (Grenier pour le Développement Intégré du Bushi) asked for funding the processing of coffee with a view to increasing its quality and so its commercial value. There is a great market for it. The processing will be managed by an agro-ecological cooperative whose coffee will be certified as biological by the Office National du Café. The project will benefit to 523 cultivators (275 women and 248 men) members of the cooperative and to the youth enrolled in the activities of GDIBU.

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Water distribution

Funding awarded: € 3,800

The Congolese NGO OED (Oeuvres pour l’Enfance Défavorisée) was asking the financing of a water distribution system for a school of poor pupils with a view to eradicating water sicknesses. This system will adapt a source and build a pipeline to 2 water tanks to be constructed. The second tank will filter the water brought into the first one with a solar panel. The fountain will be accessible through a small fee with a view to guaranteeing the maintenance of the system. The global project is co-financed by Croix du Sud and its implementation is organised in subsequent phases. The first phase and part of the second one are paid by Croix du Sud.

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Cisterns for schools’ latrines

Funding awarded: € 4,100

The association PNS (Promotion Nutritionnelle et Sanitaire) asked for funding of 3 cisterns in order to be used for the latrines which are out of use by lack of water in 3 primary schools which totalize 1653 pupils. The wastes will be in particular recycled as fertilizers for the fields. There will be a sensitization of the pupils on hygiene. The maintenance will be taken in charge by a managing committee. A complementary cistern will be connected to each of the three ones for stocking water.

Guinea Bissau


Project: Solar panels for an infirmary

Funding awarded: € 2,000

The NGO AIDA (Ayuda, Intercambio y Desarrollo) asked for funding the installation of solar panels with a view to pumping the water of a well for the infirmary of an island and providing electricity to this infirmary. It will improve its hygiene. The beneficiaries will be the 500 inhabitants of the island. A person who has successfully conducted a similar project in the local school will monitor the project. Two colleagues of the Commission have visited the location. The 100% of this project was financed thanks to the generous donation of Solar Solidarity International asbl



Project: Drilling of a bore-hole

Funding awarded: € 7,000

The association ALTERAFRIQUE was seeking funds in order to drill a deep borehole with a view to distributing pure water to vegetable gardens. The direct beneficiaries will be 50 farmer women. It will benefit indirectly to their families (around 550 persons) and to the inhabitants of the village and of the surrounding villages. The production of vegetables will thus raise the income of the families in order to facilitate the payment of school costs of the children.



Project: Tainting of fabrics

Funding awarded: € 2,500

The NGO Arcobaleno was seeking funds for the tainting of fabrics made by 10 women having followed its sewing training course. This artisanal tainting will serve to produce unique garments. By the end of the training every student who will pass the exam will receive money to buy a sewing machine with a view to starting his own activity. This project should be sustainable thanks to the sale of the products.



Project: Water tank

Funding awarded: € 2,590

The NGO FFUWD (Foundation for Ugandan Women Development) was seeking funds for constructing 1 water tank in a school. This would benefit to 250 poor families, including 1260 children, in a village at about 220 km from Kampala. Volunteers will be trained to help in the construction and acquire the skills to build other tanks. This completes the previous funding limited to 1 tank only. 

To know more, please contact us



Project Drilling of a well

Funding awarded: € 6,000

The Ugandan NGO FEI-IDO (Friends of Environment International Integrated Development Organisation) asked for funding the drilling of a well in a school of a region where harvesting rainwater is not a solution. The pupils and the community around amount to 5.800 people. It will protect them from the diseases linked to the use of the water of the lake and to the mosquitos. Pupils, parents and community members will contribute.



Project: Rainwater cisterns

Funding awarded: € 4,000

The Ugandan NGO WPS (Women protection society) asked for funding two rainwater cisterns in two schools. This will improve women’s situations and the education of the children who will thus be able to concentrate on studying. It will also eliminate illnesses due to the absence of safe water. The beneficiaries will be around 3000 children, the parents, the teachers and the nearby communities. 

This project has been co-financed by the Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl



Project: Rainwater cisterns

Funding awarded: € 6,000

The Ugandan NGO GWEFODE (Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development) asked for funding two rainwater harvesting tanks in a mountain district with two rain seasons. The only source of water is a nearby swamp. This disadvantages children and women who spent time for collecting water in dangerous circumstances, leaving to school absenteeism, gender-based violence and sicknesses. The sustainability of the project will be ensured through community awareness and the establishment of Water Users Committees. It will help about 150 people.



Project: Pigs breeding

Funding awarded: 3,500 €

The NGO Waworedo (Wakiso Women’s Rights Empowerment and Development Organization) was seeking funds for a pig-rearing activity in order to improve women’s income for 348 beneficiaries spread in eight villages. The fattening of piglets will generate income for buying other piglets, which will be reared for reproduction and for selling their meat. Pork meat is in good demand in the region. Two of each group of four piglets produced by pigs will be given for distribution to new beneficiaries with a view to initiating other rearing. The project will be managed by a committee created for this purpose.




Project: Cow rearing for milk

Funding awarded: € 6,000

The NGO IRDP (Institute of Research and Development for the rural Poor) asked for funding the rearing of cows in order to produce and sell milk through a micro-credit scheme. The direct beneficiaries will be 20 vulnerable women (Dalit, single headed families, and so on) and the indirect ones their families. The loan repayment will be used for a next round of similar beneficiaries.



Project: Microcredit

Funding awarded: € 4,500

The Indian NGO Children Watch was seeking funds for launching a micro-credit scheme for 30 very poor women living in 5 neighbouring villages. After training they will receive micro credits for launching 4 income-generating activities: production of thatches for roofs or selling sweets, fruits or vegetables. Those activities will ensure them stable incomes since they only find work in occasional activities. The revolving fund will permit to extend those activities to other similar women. The fund will be steered by their own management committee (self-help group).



Project: Computer aided embroidery

Funding awarded: € 4,500

The Indian NGO NEWS (New Entity of Welfare Society), run by Dalits, was seeking funds for implementing an advanced skill training in computer aided embroidery. There is a heavy work demand and a good market for such products. After the training 15 marginalized women will receive sewing machines to start an income-generating activity. The repayment of the investment over time will give an opportunity to other women. This NGO was visited by end of 2017 by a volunteer and the feed-back was positive.



Project: Dairy buffaloes

Funding awarded: € 6,200

The Indian NGO SPRMMM (Sree Padma Rani Mary Mahila Mandali) was seeking funds for a revolving fund in order to enable 20 Dalit women to rear buffaloes with a view to selling milk and dung. There are good marketing facilities for milk in the two villages at stake. This project will also develop the empowerment of those very poor women. The repayment will permit to extend it to other women.



Project: Micro credits

Funding awarded: € 3,000

The Indian NGO Grace Trust asked for funding its micro-credit project for 25 Dalit scavenger women. The indirect beneficiaries will be 125 families from 10 Self Help Groups over the duration of the revolving fund. They will receive training on income-generating activities (tailoring, embroidering, marketing and accounting). This NGO has been visited by a volunteer and the feed-back was positive. Even though interest rating has been recalculated,



Project:  Micro-credits

Funding awarded: € 5,440

The Indian NGO OCD (Organization for Community Development) asked for funding micro-credits with a view to helping 62 widows, who lost their husbands due to a cyclone by end 2017 to develop income-generating activities. The loans will be interest-free and after repayment lent to new beneficiaries. Training and counselling sessions will be organized. This NGO was visited and much appreciated by a member of ECA by beginning of 2018.

South America



Project: Native pastures for dairy cows

Funding awarded: 5,500 €

The Ecuadorian Foundation COAGRO (Cooperacion per la Agricultura Organica) was seeking funds in order to plant native herbs in pastures for dairy cows and to plant trees for reducing carbon production and drawing water. The beneficiaries will be two associations of women (40 persons). It is aimed at increasing the quantity and the quality of milk and thus to increase by more than 30 % the revenues of the beneficiaries.