Eu can aid!

Year 2016




Project: building a well

Funding awarded: € 6,000

ASEP (Action Sociale pour l’Eradication de la Pauvreté) was seeking funds to build a well with a view to fighting against waterborne sicknesses since water was brought from marshes in a distance of 9 km. This would benefit to 222 persons (children, young people and adults).

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Reconstruction of a school

Funding awarded: € 6,900

ACDTT (Agence Coopérative pour le Développement du Territoire de Tshela) seeks funds for the restoration of a deteriorated school in a poor village. This mainly covers the buildings of schoolrooms (walls, roof) and teaching materials. About 250 pupils will benefit from this project. The applicant has experience in construction projects.

Democratic Republic of Congo

NGO: Ecole de Pawa

Project: Renovation of a school

Funding awarded: € 6,000

The association “Ecole de Pawa – enfants du Congo” was seeking funds for renovation of a school (classrooms) and desks in an isolated bush village. This would benefit to 345 pupils and indirectly to their teachers as well as to workers during the renovation.

This project has been funded in partnership with Schuman trophy


NGO: Louvain Coopération

Project: Reconstruction of a school

Funding awarded: € 4,855

Louvain Coopération asked for financing the reconstruction of a village school destroyed by a cyclone and some running costs as teachers’ salaries and facilities. This project is linked to an integrated programme of Louvain Coopération for a very poor and isolated region. This will benefit to 150 children of neighbouring villages and indirectly to their families. Only the construction’s costs are financed.



Project: Beekeeping

Funding awarded: € 5,600

WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farma) association is seeking funds for improving the production of honey by 30 farmers without chemical elements and for planting melliferous (honey) trees, in five villages. This would also indirectly benefit to 240 members of their families, in addition to the environmental benefits.



Project: Water tanks for 2 schools

Funding awarded: € 4,400

WPS (Women Protection Society) asked for financing a rain cistern for primary schools in two slum villages. This would benefit 2,500 children by protecting them from the diseases, which are caused by the present water, which comes from floods and swamps and thereby reduces the absences at the school. WPS will also train the community and school workers on maintaining the cistern, managing water and other sanitation elements.



Project: Water tanks

Funding awarded: € 3,800

GWEFODE (Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development) was seeking funds for constructing 2 water tanks for marginalized communities in an area where the hilly topography poses challenges for water delivery. This would benefit to 120 people in particular women who have to fetch the water. Only one tank is financed



Project: Pigs and chicken breeding

Funding awarded: € 500

CAD (Community Action for Development) asked for funding training of poor farmers on modern pig and poultry techniques, providing them with piglets and chicks as a start-off capital and helping them to establish small pens for those animals. This is intended to generate additional income for them since there is a huge market for those products.

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Purchase of cassava mills

Funding awarded: € 3,000

ASOFFE (Action de Solidarité des Femmes pour les Femmes et l’Enfant) asked for financing mills for cassava (manioc) and corn. This would benefit to 189 households (i.e. 1,134 persons) and indirectly to the people of 2 large localities in an area where there are not enough mills. Those mills would improve the work of the women.

This project has been funded thanks to the donation of the Association Femmes d’Europe



Project: Water harvesting and sanitary facilities

Funding awarded: € 5,000

MCESO (Murera Community Empowerment & Support Organization) was seeking funds for supporting 560 children in a primary school situated in a poor area with water harvesting equipment, 50 wooden desks and construction of hygienic sanitary facilities. Access to drinking water and hygienic sanitary facilities will help to reduce diseases and increase school attendance. The funding is limited to the sanitary blocks and to the water access facility.



Project: Construction of latrines

Funding awarded: € 8,445

ASVLM (Association Sénégalaise des Victimes de Mines) is seeking funds for the construction of dry latrines in a village of about 800 persons and for drilling a well. The dry toilets make possible the utilisation of wastes as fertilisers and the well will increase the hygiene (washing hands).
Latrines also prevent sicknesses, which proceed from wild defecation in the nature, where there is moreover a danger of mines, and protect the dignity of women.


NGO: St. Vianney School

Project: Construction of a school

Funding awarded: € 4,200

The Saint Vianney Junior School Parents Association seeks funds for completing 3 classrooms in an overcrowded school. This will permit to host 80 pupils who now have to be in a kitchen room and to give an opportunity to enrol 60 more children from the surrounding communities.



Project: Solar panels for a school

Funding awarded: € 4,000

The applicant asked for financing the installation of solar panels in four classes for upper primary school, offices and a library with a view to preventing accidents with candles and to improving the reading by the 1,200 pupils, in a rural area without affordable access to electricity.

This project has been financed thanks to the generous contribution of Solar Solidarity International asbl



Project: Water tanks

Funding awarded: € 2,600

FFUWD (Foundation for Ugandan Women Development) was seeking funds for constructing 2 water tanks in two schools. This would benefit to 2450 children and 110 women in two villages at about 220 km from Kampala. Volunteers will be trained to help in the construction and acquire the skills to build other tanks. Only one tank is financed.




Project:  Cow and goat breeding

Funding awarded: € 4,461

Communicare, a NGO of Andra Pradesh, asked for funding the establishment of a cooperative dairy for poor tribal women (including gypsies) . The dairy will be managed by a self help group composed of disadvantaged women. The women will keep half of the income, the remaining part will be used to acquire goats and cows. The goats will be distributed to other poor women.



Project: Microcredit

Funding awarded: € 5,000

RPDS (Rural People Development Society) seeks funds for setting-up a micro-credit facility that will provide 40 poor women with the money needed to start a production of azolla. It is a fast growing fern that can be used to feed cattle, fish, pigs and poultry, with a very high protein content and rich in minerals, vitamins, etc. The repayment will allow supporting other women.


NGO: Success Trust

Project: Microcredit for horticulture

Funding awarded: € 4,500

The applicant was seeking funds to support 25 marginalised women farmers in Tamil Nadu with training and micro-credit to cultivate intercrops of indigenous greens, vegetables and rice through organic farm methods. The repayments will become a revolving fund for new women to get a loan and training. The women will be selected on the basis of their cast (Dalit), family (number of children, widow or absent husband) and economic (poor or tenant) situation.



Project: Microcredit

Funding awarded: € 5,000

SNEKITHI (which means Women’s friend) trust asked for the funding of microcredits for mothers of mentally disabled children. Since they have to take care of their children, they can only start small activities, like selling objects or food production. 30 women will be selected by the local “Self-Help Groups”. Once the capital has been rebuild other 30 women will be selected. This will continue in order to cover 103 households in 20 villages and after to support further development of the members’ businesses.



Project: Pigs rearing

Funding awarded: € 5,500

JRPDO (Jawahar Rural People’s Development Organisation) asked for creating piggery raising as a way to create sustained income generation for 75 women from 15 tribal villages, i.e. composed of marginalized people. The number of women will increase every year through the donation of two piglets by each of the 75 initial women. There is a constant demand for pork meat throughout the year.


NGO: Grace Trust

Project: Microcredits for dairy cows

Funding awarded: € 5,000

Grace Trust asked for financing microcredits to allow very poor women (scavenger Dalits) to buy dairy cows. This project will double their monthly income by selling milk and dung. For the first year 25 women will be selected and receive training. After repayment, another group of 25 women will receive similar microcredits, which will raise to 75 the final number of women in 3 years.



Project: Economic empowerment of fisherwomen

Funding awarded: € 5,000

OCD (Organization for Community Development) was seeking funds for helping 50 very poor fisherwomen to add value to the fish by processing it, i.e. by drying, pickling or preparing dry fish chutney powder. Each fisherwoman will receive a microcredit to start such processing after training sessions. This income generating activity will help them to escape from the slavery of the moneylenders to whom they borrow money in order to buy the fish.

Latin America



Project: Converting of waste

Funding awarded: € 4,500

CEFREPADE (French Ngo for recycling wastes) seeks funds in order to create, for poor young people, a workshop of craft from wastes. By this way, they will do artistic and useful products through use of wastes (plastics and so on). There is a market for such products.

This project has been partly financed thanks to an occasional donation