Project: Purchase of furniture for a school
Funding awarded: € 2,600
The applicant wants to build a unit of two classrooms for the college CEG in Kokoro. The unit is 20m long and 10m broad. Inside a terrace and a stairs will be built too.
The project is co-financed in partnership with La Guilde du Raid and the applicant itself. A local contribution is foreseen too.
Project: Production of akassa balls
Funding awarded: € 5,336
Our partner PCEA has already submitted a similar project in 2011. The evaluation report was very positive. It is a matter today of installing a mill in a village a few km far from the first installation. The mill will ease the akassa, soya and corn transformation and consequently allow marketing prices more convenient. Beneficiaries’ income will improve as well their quality of life.
This project has been financed in partnership with Yoga classes SG 2013 – 2014
Project: Rabbit rearing
Funding awarded: € 4,000
The project is about setting up a rabbit rearing venture that would support a group of 30 underprivileged women and 132 children. The objective is to provide them with the structure and the equipment necessary to starting the rabbit farm and thereby to improve their livelihood. The local community will benefit indirectly from the new rabbit market, be it in terms of commercial opportunities or in terms of better nutrition. Following a proposal made by the Committee, the project will start with a limited number of direct beneficiaries and rabbits provided.
Project: Sheep fattening
Funding awarded: € 4,800
The project will provide 34 women and 6 young apprentices with training in sheep fattening. Young sheep will be bought when less than 12 months, fattened over a 6 month period and sold when they are overweight for the double price. The project will contribute to better nutrition (meat quality) and generate revenues for the participants.
Project: Creation of a centre of multi-activities
Funding awarded: € 1,500
APA is seeking funds to create a centre where a library will be installed and evening encouraging meeting / classes as well as recreational activities will be organised in help to the local population. The project is mainly financed by La Guilde du raid (our partner in some projects). 1,500.00€ are needed to finish the implementation (solar panel).
Project: Creation of a coop
Funding awarded: € 5,000
The project aims at improving 50 beneficiaries’ income generation. Each beneficiary will receive 100 chicks to develop a chicken meat market. 10 kg of seed, a coop and a chicken maintenance kit will be provided as well. Each beneficiary owns an earth parcel where corn cultivation will be implemented in order to assure the coop continuity. Training in chicken breeding is assured too.
Project: Vegetable production
Funding awarded: € 5,975
80 widows and 40 young orphans will be supported through a vegetable production and guinea pig rearing venture that will improve their nutrition and generate revenues. The seeds and the animals will be provided through micro-credits in kind. A share of the revenues will be returned to the developer in cash so as to create a fund for granting further micro-credits.
Project: Beekeeping
Funding awarded: € 3,150
The project aims to promote beekeeping among women in rural villages in three villages in Boko region in order to fight poverty and food insecurity. 30 beehives and 3 day training will be provided. The applicant can ensure the maintenance of the beehives and will monitor the women in honey harvesting and selling.
A traditional engine will be bought and adapted in Belgium and sent to Kilwit where it will be installed. ECA’s contribution amounts to € 5,000 (total cost is of € 10,500).
NGO: Institut de la Charite
Project: Reconstruction of a building
Funding awarded: € 3,300
ECA has already supported IC last year: it was a matter of providing the construction of three class rooms. During the project implementation, a big storm touched the area and another pre-existing building belonging to the applicant was completely destroyed. This request concerns the reconstruction of the destroyed building. The project will be realized thanks also to the active contribution of the local population: children and their parents have already realized the bricks and other stuff.
Project: Agriculture
Funding awarded: € 3,000
The project aims at improving the livelihood of 90 local families by developing agricultural and farming activities. The beneficiaries will receive, through micro-credits in kind, sheep, seeds and the necessary tools.
Project: Building a well
Funding awarded: € 2,500
AMB has benefited of ECA’s help already in the past. This time is a matter of financing a well in Anjahamahity (300 beneficiaries). This well will provide direct access to clean water and will contribute at improving socio-economic beneficiaries’ conditions. It will be manually powered and water’s quality is assured.
Project: Micro credit
Funding awarded: € 2,900
FAPDR is seeking funding in order to provide training and microcredit to 30 beneficiaries in order to provide each of them with a bicycle. The beneficiaries will receive training on how to maintain their bicycles and how to use them for income generating activities and the bicycles will be protected against theft by registering them with local authorities.
Project: Agro-ecological infrastructure
Funding awarded: € 1,430
A first project aiming at creating green fences for 6 schools had been submitted. It is envisaged that the leaves from the plants will complement the pupils’ diet, that some of the wood will be used in the kitchens and that a vegetable garden will be created. Setting this up in a school means that only a limited budget is necessary, compared with the initial application.
Project: Tomatoes and peppers production
Funding awarded: € 4,600
The overall objective of this project is to improve the revenues of a group of women and to help them to get a better life condition. 35 tons of onions, 700 boxes of tomatoes and 97 of peppers will be produced per year. Training is foreseen.
Project: Agriculture
Funding awarded: € 4,500
The project will create and improve market linkages through regular acquisition and dissemination of market information: input suppliers for high quality products and competitive prices, enhancing farmers’ access to financial services providers and developing contract marketing and business relationship with established farm product buyers will be provided. The project trains and mentors a group of smallholder farmers, creates sustainable farming solutions and increases their income. A revolving fund, receiving input from the proceeds from the demonstration plots, will be created to enhance the project continuation beyond the project timeline (six months).
Project : Construction of two rain water tanks
Funding awarded: € 6,750
The project aims at enhancing access to safe clean drinking water and sanitation for victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence through construction of Ground Rain Water Harvesting Systems. Improving hygiene and sanitation, sensitizing community members and promoting safe water and sanitation practices are its objectives. The beneficiaries are 200 people and 700 students.
Project: Drinking water and purification
Funding awarded: € 4,000
Access to drinking water is often very difficult for the many villages of the Kasese region. Indeed, existing water sources are often contaminated. Serious diseases and infant deaths are commonplace. The project will have an impact on more than 8,000 people. The rehabilitation of five low-depth wells is necessary. The project will include trainings and awareness-raising.
NGO: St. Vianney School
Project : Purchase of computers, photocopier and printer
Funding awarded: € 5,200
A community association – established by rural farmers – educates over 300 vulnerable / orphaned children aged 4-14 in a multi ethnic and multi religious school that now seeks to expand its academic and life skills education by introducing a fully-fledged IT training program with a view to diminishing child poverty and increasing local employment.. Laptops, keyboards, a photocopier with a printer and a scanner are provided. The project will cofounded by Rotary Club Scotland.
Project: Gardening and creation of a well
Funding awarded: € 5,400
PEH is seeking funds to help a group of 20 women to develop a gardening activity. The request concerns the implementation of a well distributing the water and by this watering the cultivations.
Project: Production of Afitin
Funding awarded: € 3,800
This project is about improving the processing of néné grains in order to increase their sales on the local market. The group of women that already works in afitin production will benefit from better life quality. The application submitted to eu can aid is about the construction of a shed for production.
Project: Construction of a warehouse
Funding awarded: € 4,000
The project aims to improve the vegetables production as well as onions’ storage, conservation and marketing. The 60 beneficiaries will be involved in the warehouse’s construction and will be trained in storing and conserving their production. The applicant is contributing to the project’s implementation with its own funds.
Project: Sheep breeding
Funding awarded: € 2,400
ATY is seeking funds to support 36 farmers in implementing a sheep breeding ensuring a constant reproduction and marketing. Training in breeding and simplified accounting will be provided.
Project: Construction of a library
Funding awarded: € 3,074
LAAFI had already received support by eu can aid for the construction and the furnishing of a third class room in a school. The school also had a library which was destroyed during a storm. The developer would like to use some of the financing received for rebuilding the library, which would mean that no furniture is purchased for the class room. The amount necessary for rebuilding the library is EUR 3,047.00. The Committee decided that the money already paid out needed to be spent for the initial purpose, while the library could be financed in partnership with the Schuman Trophy (EUR 1,639.00).
Project: Water supply
Funding awarded: € 2,100
The project aims at constructing a water tank to provide clear water to villagers and avoid water-borne diseases. Part of the costs will be assumed by the local community and ECA‘s provides drinking water components for an amount of 4,100.00€ payable in two parts: a one off payment of 2,100.00 € for the water tank construction; the remaining amount of 2,000.00 € will be paid after GP verification of the water tank implementation.
This project has been financed in partnership with DG MARE AST Network
Project: Purchase of a mill
Funding awarded: € 5,335
AVEVENA wants to install a mill in Mwanga Village and to construct storage in Kitja, where a mill was installed some months ago with the funds awarded by ECA.
Project: Braziers production
Funding awarded: € 3,800
Maniema province is located next to a protected forest area. Native pygmies suffer from a lack of wood, the currently only way of cooking their food. The project aims at including a group of 50 women in an awareness raising process of saving the natural surrounding and by so doing improving their quality of life. These women will be trained in braziers production and marketing.
Project: Providing sewing machines
Funding awarded: € 3,065
The applicant is seeking funds to help some unwed mothers to start their own business. These girls have been trained in sewing by the applicant itself and it is the goal, today, to provide them with a certain number of sewing machines.
Project: Clean water supply
Funding awarded: € 4,600
The overall goal is to promote human and economic development in selected rural schools and villages by improving access to safe drinking water, public health and quality of life.
Drilling of boreholes for safe drinking water sources, as proposed in this program, aims to provide villagers and schools with the water they require and alleviate the need for women to spend hours fetching water from contaminated sources.
Project: Creation of a jewelry workshop
Funding awarded: € 4,000
The promoter wants to develop and equip 3 workshops – in three different villages – in order to train 20 young vulnerable people in jewelry and basketry production. Their production will be put on the market and generate an income increase.
Project: Agriculture
Funding awarded: € 4,000
In the framework of the 2011-2013 programme financed by the Belgian Agency DGD, the project developer is seeking funding for providing the beneficiaries with tools, seeds and fertilisers. To this end, ADG has constituted a fund from individual and collective donations in cash or in kind. 460 families will benefit from the project, which will also involve training.
Project: Solar lamps
Funding awarded: € 2,235
ACT Mara has submitted a proposal to obtain funding for providing solar lighting to 100 vulnerable children in rural communities. The project would include training on the use of the lamps from the students and their family and would be an excellent introduction to the benefits of renewable resources. Further to this, ACT Mara has spare parts for replacement in case some lamps are out of order as well as a solar technician to repair them and to give instructions to the children about their use.
This projet has been financed thanks to the generous donation of Solar Solidarity asbl.
Project: Construction of wells
Funding awarded: € 3,840
EDF is seeking funding for the construction of 5 surface wells in 5 rural villages that are particularly affected by diseases caused by insalubrious water. The wells will provide access to drinking water for 500 families. There will be a training and awareness-raising sessions. Two of the wells will be financed.
Project: Fish Farming
Funding awarded: € 4,500
FFUWD is seeking funds to create a stocked fish (tilapia) pond which would provide surplus income to beneficiaries after the second harvest. This income will also be used to sustain the project and to provide revolving loans. The direct beneficiaries are 50 women, 15 girls and five men described as widows, HIV/AIDS victims, school dropouts and victims of sexual abuse. Depending on family size, each will receive fish from the pond to supplement their diet. Indirect beneficiaries are the 20 men who will construct the project, 100 women and 250 girls who will buy fish at discounted prices. After the project is completed, the beneficiaries are expected to be able to manage and grow the project through the training and experience they will have received and income generation.
Project : Beekeeping
Funding awarded: € 5,500
The Kasese region nowadays is experi¬encing low rainfall. This reduces crop production and thus accelerates poverty among the local community which used to live almost entirely from subsistence farming. The diversification from farming to other income generating projects is a need: the communi¬ty chose beekeeping as their first priority. The project should benefit 80 women and 70 men. These beneficiaries will be trained in modern bee keeping. Subsequently every beneficiary will re¬ceive 4 bee hives. Homey will be put on the market.
This project has been funded thanks to the donation of the Association Femmes d’Europe
Project : Water and Sanitation
Funding awarded: € 7,000
The project aims at improving access to proper hygiene and sanitation facilities Nyendo Progressive Primary school through the construction of a ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) toilet, a washroom for girls and the purchase and installation of water harvesting water tank.
Project : Pig rearing
Funding awarded: € 4,000
The project is about setting up a pig rearing venture in a pilot centre that will also function as a distribution centre to the local community. The farm will rear pedigree pigs of excellent quality for marketing purposes. The pigs will be given to the farmers, which will have been selected on the basis of precise criteria (land ownership, records of results obtained, involvement in production). The beneficiaries will receive a part of the piglets produced in he venture to increase their own activity and for selling on the market. The application submitted to eu can aid! asked for a contribution of EUR 8,276.00. The Committee decided to finance the project, but only with a lower number of beneficiaries and piglets.
Project : Boreholes digging
Funding awarded: € 3,000
The Halo Trust started in August 2013 a demining operation on both sides of the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The border region is very arid and water is a major problem, already without the ongoing demining operation. The proposal aims at digging several boreholes in order to alleviate the situation. A groundwater investigation has taken place and four sites have been analysed. As a matter of priority the first identified borehole is funded.
Project: Solar panels
Funding awarded: € 4,800
Project: Microcredit
Funding awarded: € 6,000
The project aims at assisting 10 physically challenged persons aged between 18 and 25 living without any means of livelihood. They belong to the DALIT community, socially marginalized, poorest and the most exploited. They find it hard to make a living because of their disability. It is a matter of setting up small business enterprises (stalls) to sell vegetable, provision, fruit etc., which will enable them to earn their living, improve their socio-economic situation, become self-reliant and lead a decent life.
Project: Goats rearing
Funding awarded: € 4,500
The project aims at increasing the source of income with better margin by orienting in direct selling (marketing and accounting skills) by 30 women in a cooperative manner. Each woman will receive a loan to help them start an economic activity. These loans are interest-free and should be repaid to the Self-help group account within two years. This will allow the groups to support further beneficiaries, making the project more value for the money obtained. 3 baby goats, the material required building a shelter for these and training will be provided.
Report on our visit of this project on May 14, 2017
Project: Digging of wells
Funding awarded: € 5,100
The aim of the project is to provide alternative employment for women currently working rolling beedies, which involves tobacco and is harmful to health, by developing the skills of women for dairy farming. 20 women in Tamil Nadu will be provided with one cow each. The beneficiaries are expected to consume 20% of the milk produced for personal and family use. The rest will be sold to generate income.
NGO: Grace Trust
Project: Goats rearing
Funding awarded: € 4,600
The project aims for economic empowerment of 40 disadvantaged scavenger women including young women and widows from the lowest cast in Indian society in 16 rural villages in the area of Usilampatti through income generation activities namely goat rearing trade. The women will receive trainings for 3 days on goat rearing activities, livestock management, small saving and micro-credit system. Then they will be given a loan to purchase three female goats and one male goat. Women will decide themselves how many goats they want to sell, but they will be encouraged to sell the male goats preferably.
Project: Sewing training
Funding awarded: € 5,000
The project is about setting up a 6-months training course in order to give 40 single or widowed women the opportunity to create a revenue generating activity (the creation of modern clothing) from their own home. The project will include the supply of materials as well as the set up of a collective marketing structure.
Project: Roof reconstruction
Funding awarded: € 9,600
In November 2013 a typhoon of unprecedented scale ravaged the Philippines, causing massive destruction and hundreds of deaths, with dramatic social and economic consequences. In cooperation with EC Central Staff Committee, ECA launched a call on colleagues’ solidarity to provide, after the emergency aids, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The collected amount will be allocated to the projects that, in the meantime, ECA has received.
This project concerns St Therese Educational Foundation in Tacloban. The school is today renovated thanks to a pool of private donors organised by Ms van Ypersele, applicant of the present project. But the roof of the administration building is still in very bad condition and needs to be entirely renovated.
Project: Electricity training
Funding awarded: € 3,500
The applicant wants to offer young people the opportunity of acquiring technical skills in electricity and by that getting job’s chance. Frère Armand Franklin is seeking funds to acquire equipment to improve the teaching quality and impact.