Benin :

Project: Quails rearing
Funding Awarded: 4,500 €
The NGO ALIVI (Alliance pour la Vie) asked for funding the rearing of quails with a view to improving deprived children nutrition. The eggs will be distributed to the children and the quails will be sold for their meat when they will no longer produce eggs. The wastes of the quails are used as manures to fertilize soils.

Project: Manioc mill
Funding Awarded: 5,000 €
The NGO ASEP (Action Sociale pour l’Eradication de la Pauvreté) from Benin was seeking funds for an income generating activity for 125 disadvantaged women by providing a manioc mill and press. Other related tools will also be distributed for cultivating vegetables. This project is aimed at nearly doubling the revenues of the beneficiaries. Read more 

Femmes d’Europe aisbl has contributed to fund this this project

Burundi :

NGO : Louvain Coopération
Project: Beekeeping
Funding Awarded: 5,000 €
Louvain Coopération applied to eu can aid to fund a small part of a bigger program mainly funded by the EU and concerning the exploitation of agricultural products and the promotion of the craft sector. The request addressed to eu can aid is in relation to beekeeping activities. It includes the support to 5 group of beekeepers who have already received 50 modern hives from the main program budget. eu can aid will contribute to provide beekeepers and transformation units with equipment, working capital and training.


Project: Rearing of guinea pigs
Funding Awarded: 7,900 €
The Congolese NGO PERACOP (Programme Elargi de Renforcement des Actions Contre la Pauvreté) asked for funding the rearing of guinea pigs. The beneficiaries will be 315 vulnerable women and their children. There is a demand for those animals, which are eaten. Their rearing is easy, and they could easily be moved if there were troubles in this region. It is Committee’s opinion that the number of beneficiaries should be better detailed as well as the number of guinea pigs per cage.

Project: Construction of a fountain
Funding Awarded: 3,500 €
The Congolese NGO OED (Oeuvres pour l’Enfance Défavorisée) asked for funding the construction of a fountain for children in a slum with a view to avoid problems in the local school and use of improper water for drinking. A little fee requested from the users will secure the maintenance.  OED has already been helped by eu can aid in the past.

Project: Purchase of equipment
Funding Awarded: 5,000 €
SOVIP has completed since June 2018 the construction of a permanent training center, in order to avoid beneficiaries’ possible losses when running their own IGA and to learn various skills (computer science, tailoring, soap making, bread making and more). Now the centre lacks equipment for trade training and eu can aid is requested to fund the purchase of sewing machines, PCs and a solar panel to power the centre and enable the charging of telephones and lamps (with a little income for the centre).

Solar Solidarity International asbl has contributed to fund this this project

Project: Developing water wells
Funding Awarded: 3,140 €
The Congolese NGO A.P.G.M. (Action Père Giscard Malonda) received funds for developing four water wells in two villages. Potable water is necessary in order to fight waterborne diseases. Management committees, whose members will be elected by the 3,000 beneficiaries, will ensure the sustainability of the wells.

Kenya :

Project: Peanuts processing
Funding Awarded: 5,300 €
Imani Belgium was seeking funds for its local organization to acquire basic machines that are used to process peanuts into butter oil with a view to helping to improve the market value of the product. This will improve the revenue of the farmers who sell it on the local markets. It will benefit to 250 vulnerable women, including teenage mothers who are in self-help groups and their families.

Project: Construction of a farm warehouse
Funding Awarded: 6,870 €
The Kenyan NGO KIDSEG (Kisumu Disabled Self Help Group) asked for funding the construction of a farm warehouse. This construction with storage capacity for eggs and space to place two deep freezers for broilers would contribute to extend the activity to fried chickens and boiled eggs, products whose benefit permit doubling sales prices. This project should therefore improve the income of 60 young women with disabilities. The profits are used to fund HIV prevention and reproductive health while helping the beneficiaries to set up their own agri-business.


Project: School latrines
Funding Awarded: 4,800 €
The NGO Groupe Nature of Mali was seeking funds for building three latrines in a school without latrines and for hands washing device. The wastes will be recycled as fertilizers for the fields. A hygiene club will survey the functioning. This NGO already achieved with success similar projects in different villages.


Project: Mill
Funding Awarded: 3, 960 €
The Senegalese NGO SAPPATE (Solidarité pour l’Auto-Promotion Paysanne) received funds for buying a mill for millet cereal in order allow 65 women to develop income generating activities by transforming agricultural products. A management committee will be created by the beneficiary women. The generated income will partly be used to launch a sparing fund to grant loans to the women


Project: Natural soap making
Funding Awarded: 4, 580 €
The association CADPHEF (Cercle d’Action pour le Développement de Personnes Handicapées, Enfants et Femmes) was seeking funds for developing the making of soap from palm oil collected in existing trees. This would double the production for an enough demand to the benefit of a group of 20 women, some of them with disabilities. It would also give work to a group of 15 young people for the marketing of the by products from the transformation of palm oil.

Solar Solidarity International asbl has contributed to fund this this project

Uganda :

Project: Borehole construction
Funding Awarded: 7,700 €
The Ugandan NGO KaGPWD (Karambi Group of People with Disabilities) asked for funding the construction of 2 boreholes. The village is lacking a sustainable year-round supply of water for drinking and irrigation since rainwater is limited to less than a half year. This would reduce water borne diseases and double the vegetable production for the families (more than 400) of the village. The local community will provide the labor for both construction and maintenance of the boreholes. A water use committee will be established. It is Committee’s opinion that references reliability should be further investigated.

Project: Mushrooms growing
Funding Awarded: 6,300 €
The local NGO KUWA (Karusandara Union of Women Association) asked for funding the growing of mushrooms in order to assist vulnerable women. After training women will be helped with a revolving fund. A collection centre will be built with a view to increasing the collective sale of the mushrooms for which there is a large and growing demand. Mushrooms also improve the diet of the participating women and their families and are easy to grow.

Project: Professional training for deaf children
Funding Awarded: 4,000 €
The NGO AWRDF (Action for Rural Women’s Development Foundation) asked for funding the gap of practical vocational skills training of children with hearing disabilities who consequently drop out of school before completion of the primary level. 100 children will be trained in carpentry, tailoring, knitting and welding for self-employment. There is also the opportunity  to return to school for those who so wish after this professional training. On 2 July meeting, Committee’s opinion about the project eligibility was favorable but seen the lack of funds, the funding had been postponed to the next Committee meeting

Project: Reusable sanitary pads
Funding Awarded: 4,500 €
The Nyakasanga Development Community Foundation (NYAKU) received funding for the production and marketing of reusable sanitary pads and for awareness raising. This project will provide an income generating activity to women but also will help avoid the loss of school learning days for girls and of work hours for women. Four sewing machines will be purchased, the machines will stay in the training room and will be used by the beneficiaries on a rolling basis.

Project: Rainwater tanks
Funding Awarded: 4,400 €
The NGO ERUDEC (Ekisande Rural Development Centre) received funding for rainwater tanks in five rural primary schools. The intended 5,500 beneficiaries are the pupils and the staff. Those tanks will reduce the waterborne diseases (such as cholera) and offer more time for the learning instead of fetching water.



Project: Goats rearing
Funding Awarded: 4,400 €
The NGO RPS (Rural People’s Sangam) was seeking funds for giving goats to be reared to widows of the Irula Tribe, which is very poor. The beneficiaries will be 3 groups of ten young widows without any means of livelihood. Each widow will receive 2 goats and an appropriate training. Goat farming is well adapted to this region and goat meat is in demand. This income-generated activity will consist in selling meat and manure.

Project: Micro credits
Funding Awarded: 4,100 €
The Indian NGO SWEET (Society for Women Education and Economic Thrust) was seeking funds for setting up microcredits schemes for migrating, bonded women and poor widows of Dalit and tribal communities. Those schemes will develop milk producing and selling, shops of vegetables and fish, petty shops selling a variety of small foods and tailoring. They are aimed at preventing them from indebtedness towards illegal lenders with rates of 60% and bricks manufacturers who pay the debts and oblige the women to work in remote factories for reimbursement as bonded workers. Those practices have led to suicides of women with their children.

Project: Sheep rearing
Funding Awarded: 3,800 €
The Indian NGO MARPU was seeking funds for providing two female sheep and one ram to each woman of a group of 20. With the recovery of the loan (to be repaid for 3 years), other groups will become beneficiaries of such loan. All 160 women are Dalit, who are seasonal workers in the agriculture or construction workers or domestic helpers. With the sale of the lambs, the women will be able to double their earnings per year.

Project: Micro credits
Funding Awarded: 4,900 €
The Indian NGO SAVE (Social Action for Value Education) Trust asked for funding the launching of micro credits through income generating activities (eatery stall, petty shop and selling garment). The beneficiaries will be poor women living in slums and their families, chosen among the members of Self-Help Groups. After repayment of the interest free loans, similar credits would be granted to other women. They will be trained for those activities. This project should triple their income.

Project: Composting pits
Funding Awarded: 3,300 €
The Indian NGO SIRI (Society for Integrated Rural Improvement) was seeking funds in order to allow very poor tribal women forced to move because of civil struggles to get revenues through the composting in pits. The return on investment is high and there is a high demand for earthworm’s compost. The request concerns 10 beneficiaries from 20 families and involves six villages.