eu can aid! and TDT recently decided to continue encouraging the village leaders to identify their priorities and to develop a Village and School Development Plan for 2018 to 2022. The cooperation between eu can aid! and TDT will be, therefore, extended and will come to an end in January 2022
An anonymous and generous donation received by eu can aid! contributed to start positively the program for year four
Extended program: September 2018- January 2022
Construction of a toilet for schoolteachers
This implementation contributes to a better general learning and teaching condition and corresponds to one of the priorities for the community and it is based upon a strong involvement of villagers: they helped in collecting sand and stones and in digging the pit hole.
eu can aid and TDT financed this installation with the global cost of 1,500 €
Construction of a supplementary room for the dispensary
Limited space such as decent delivery ward for admission of maternal cases (pre and post-delivery) and good medical facilities and materials especially delivery beds, blankets and bedsheets is among the major hindering factors for quality health services at Marumba dispensary.
The goal was to improve access to quality services for the rural community around Marumba through construction of health infrastructures such as clinic, purchase of essential drugs and medical equipment.
A supplementary room for the dispensary was then constructed; medical equipment and some stock of drugs were provided with a global cost of 7,000 €
Reconstruction of a classroom
It was a matter of rehabilitating a classroom which has been constructed by the villagers themselves before our program started. It had just the essential elements (wall and roof) but there was no floor, and everything was very basic.

eu can aid co-funded the rehabilitation with the sum of 1,020 €
Construction of a classroom for the kindergarten
The construction of a kindergarten is a follow-up of our mission in October 2018 where villagers expressed the wish as a matter of priority to build a small kindergarten for their kids. 43 kids were staying outside under the cashew nut tree and getting their education in all weather conditions. The class has been constructed with the same building criteria as the recently constructed classrooms.
eu can aid participation amounts to 1,794 €.
PCs for the school and solar panels for the maternity

Equipment of the primary school was received during our partner’s visit in site. This equipment will be used (and kept safe) by the headteacher and improve learning conditions especially during the nationally organized exams.
The recently financed extension of the Maternity Unit has been equipped with solar power in order to improve reception of patients during nighttime.
PCs and solar panel have been provided and eu can aid’s participation amounts to 3,500€.
Chicken breeding
A villagers committee with the help of a veterinary have built the sheds and bought 1000 better breed chickens. Each of them can get 10 new chickens each quarter. The initial 100 beneficiaries can so pass on 10 chickens to the next 100.
eu can aid contributed to this project with the amount of 3,90 EUR.
Construction of a secondary school
There was no secondary school in the ward (district) where the Marumba village forms a part of. The 8 villages must send their children to the secondary school of a neighboring ward and these kids do not have a good chance to be received because the next secondary school is beyond its limits.
A new secondary school has been built in Mkonona village.
eu can aid contributed with 15,000 EUR.

Installation of a mill
Preparation of food requires milling and grinding. The very old small machine available has been replaced with a new one. Cost for services for the milling and grinding will be decided by the village council as well as the labor cost and the management of a reserve for maintenance and repair. Benefits of the project will be available for the primary school. In such a way the services provided will be a public service and the local governmental structure will own the assets.
Eu can aid contribution amounts to 3,060 EUR.
Evaluation and Celebration
For 7 years Tanzanian Development Trust and eu can aid have been supporting projects in Marumba village, Mtwara region. July 2022 saw the evaluation and celebration of our projects in the village and the end of the program.
We are now ready for a new adventure and shall put forward another village to be part of an initial 3 year similar program.