You can either make a direct bank transfer or fill out the form below.
Details for the direct bank transfer:
eu can aid Association AISBL
c/o Council of the E.U.
Bureau JL – 02 CG 39
Rue de la Loi, 175
B-1048 Brussels
ING – 310-0240244-61
IBAN : BE62310024024461
Donation form:
Thank you!
Making a donation to eu can aid is crucial in helping us make a difference!
With your help, we can significantly improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable. We can assist them in achieving self-sufficiency and implementing income-generating activities, fighting diseases, and much more.
Many eu can aid members, upon retiring, ask their colleagues to donate to the organization in their name.
When celebrating a birth, wedding, or anniversary, why not ask your family and friends to donate to eu can aid an amount equivalent to what they would have spent on flowers or gifts?
Why not give deeper meaning to the various stages of your life?
Did you know that:
€100 is enough to lift a family out of poverty; it can help someone start a small business and ensure a steady income generation.
€100 is the cost, per child, to build a school.
€10 is the cost to provide access to clean water for 10 people by digging a well.
eu can aid reserves the right to refuse any donation that could compromise its independence or credibility.
Proof of payment for tax purposes will be sent upon request for amounts exceeding €40. Renewal of this legal deduction for 2025-2030 has been requested.