In the light of its limited human and financial resources, eu can aid has laid down intervention criteria which you must absolutely consult before submitting any application for financial help.
To assist people who would like to submit projects, eu can aid has prepared a memorandum setting out the information needed for such applications to be considered. It is necessary to submit, alongside any request for assistance, verifiable references, ideally provided by several trustworthy bodies.
To be supported by eu can aid, projects must aim to improve the quality of life of local communities or generate income for the beneficiaries. They may and generally do relate essentially to:
An application can be considered only if supported by three recent international references coming from OECD member Countries and preferably having visited the requestor.
The last annual and financial reports are required as well.
One or more pictures of the site only in JPEG format should support the application.
Application for financing should be sent by e-mail to and in WORD format only.
If a project is accepted and receives financing, the beneficiary is requested to acknowledge receipt of the transfer of funds and commit to implementing the project as agreed.
The beneficiary shall inform eu can aid about progress made in a first report to be presented by the end of the sixth month after receipt of the financial contribution and thereafter by six-monthly reports and by a final report (upon completion of the project).